Conduct Sanctions

Conduct Sanctions

Sanctions are provided when the Accused is found responsible for one or more violations of the Residence Hall Community Policies and/or the Housing Contract. Sanctions are determined by the severity of the case and the student conduct history of the Accused(s). A student found responsible for a violation will receive an administrative and educational sanction as part of the conduct process. Below are descriptions of potential sanctions assigned to residents found responsible for violating Residence Hall Community Policies:

Housing Reprimand is usually assigned to less severe policy violation. The resident is reminded that his or her future conduct in Housing must reflect better judgment.

Housing Warning is a strong written warning that should the resident become involved in other violations of Housing or Institution policy, the resident can expect more severe disciplinary action.

Housing Probation means that any further housing or Institute conduct violations within housing will likely cause a resident’s removal from Housing. Probation may include, but is not limited to, revocation of all hall privileges including the right to hold Hall Council office, participate in hall activities, open house, Hall Councils or committees. Probation is for a specific period of time.

Housing Contract Cancellation involves severe or repeat behavior issues, which merits the resident’s removal from Housing. In unusual cases where a violation is so serious or a resident’s presence is considered of danger to either themselves or any other member of the Georgia Tech community, a resident may be required to vacate their space in the residence hall immediately. In either case, all rent moneys or deposits paid shall be considered forfeited and a recommendation may be made to the Dean of Students for the suspension of the student from Georgia Tech.

Denial of re-contracting is used in cases that occur close to the end of the semester and/or a hearing may not be possible due to impending exams and breaks, a student may be denied the privilege to re-contract for campus housing for the subsequent semester or school year.

Removal from the Residence Hall Housing system is issued where a violation is so serious or a student’s presence is considered a clear and present danger to either her/himself or any other member of the Georgia Tech community, a student may be ordered to vacate her/his space in the residence hall immediately. In such a case, all rent moneys or deposits paid shall be considered forfeited.

Relocation of the resident is issued for cases where a violation is so serious a student’s presence is considered to be disruptive to the residential hall community, a student may be relocated to another building within the residence hall housing

system. In such a case, the student will not be allowed to enter the previous residence hall in any capacity (as a guest/visitor or to attend a program/event) for a stipulated period of time.

Restitution is reimbursement of expenses to a department or office at the Institute that has incurred damages to property. Restitution is limited to exact amount of the damage incurred.

Fee is monetary amount paid to the Institute for participating in an administrative sanction. Fees are associated with the administrative sanctions of the Institute’s Alcohol and Other Drug Sanctioning Model.

Educational sanctions may include community service, a reflection paper, and/or intentional efforts to educate others on Housing policy. The purpose of educational requirements is to provide an additional educational opportunity for residents involved in conduct cases.

Additional requirements may be assigned to a student as part of the sanctions portion of the conduct process.