Apply as a Current Student

Everything you need to know is outlined below including dates, eligibility & process, and contracts. You can also review our Housing Application Guide below to get a look ahead at your action steps once you're inside the application.
Important Upcoming Housing Dates

Stay informed about important dates and deadlines for Housing at Georgia Tech.

How to Apply for Housing

The housing application process and timeline for returning students are different than they are for incoming students. Please be sure to check dates and deadlines for the most up to date information on the housing lottery.

Please remember that housing is not required and not guaranteed for any student.

See full application guide

My Housing

Log in to My Housing and select the Application tab on the gold navigation bar then choose the correct Application term.

My Housing

Roommate and Room Selection

Room selection is not first-come, first-served. To be eligible for a room selection time ticket, you must apply by the posted deadline and be selected from the lottery.

Roommate selection guide Room Selection

Room Swap

A room swap means two students agree to switch rooms and perform the swap online themselves.

Room Swap

My Housing

Log in to My Housing and select the Application tab on the gold navigation bar then choose the correct Application term.

My Housing

Roommate and Room Selection

Room selection is not first-come, first-served. To be eligible for a room selection time ticket, you must apply by the posted deadline and be selected from the lottery.

Roommate selection guide Room Selection

Room Swap

A room swap means two students agree to switch rooms and perform the swap online themselves.

Room Swap
Interested in Joining an Upperclass LLC?
Apply for WST

Beginning in their second year, students are invited to apply to the Women, Science, and Technology and the International House Living Learning Communities. WST and I-House require students to participate in community activities and events and offer optional coursework. Please click below to learn more about applying for each of our upper class living learning communities.

Apply for I-House

Beginning in their second year, students are invited to apply to the Women, Science, and Technology and the International House Living Learning Communities. WST and I-House require students to participate in community activities and events and offer optional coursework. Please click below to learn more about applying for each of our upper class living learning communities.


Find quick answers to common questions about applying for housing as a returning student.

Why is Georgia Tech processing housing applications using a lottery for some students?

In the past, the housing application process was based on a first-come, first-served model, which not only created stress, but also posed significant access challenges for many students. Recognizing the inherent inequities of this system, we are implementing changes to ensure the housing application process is more equitable and accessible for all students. This proactive change is a direct result of listening to and addressing the feedback from applicants.

How will the housing lottery process work for applicants?

All current students who submit their application before the lottery deadline will be included in the lottery. Students who secure housing from the lottery will be notified and receive a room selection time-ticket in February. Students who do not secure housing from the lottery will be assigned to the waitlist based on their lottery number. Anyone who applies for housing after the lottery deadline will be placed at the end of the waitlist in the order their contract was signed.

Why do I need a time ticket to apply for the lottery?

Students will receive a time-ticket to submit their housing application to ensure a smooth application process. This approach helps prevent a rush on My Housing and reduces the risk of the website crashing. It’s important to note that applying first does not guarantee housing. There is no need to be the first to apply as all students who apply by the posted deadline. have the same chance of securing housing. Time tickets will be distributed based on your legal first name and spread out over the first few days of the application opening. This lottery application window will remain open until the deadline and applying as soon as your time ticket opens does not increase your chances of securing housing. This system is designed to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to apply without the stress of a first-come, first-served model.

How will I be notified of my housing assignment or lottery results?

Housing lottery results will be communicated to you through official Georgia Tech communication channels, so be sure to regularly check your Georgia Tech email and My Housing for updates.

Is on-campus housing guaranteed?

Due to limited availability, we cannot guarantee on-campus housing to everyone who applies. However, new students, Pell recipients who accepted their aid, and second-year students have the highest priority for on-campus housing. If you would like to consider off-campus options, the Georgia Tech Off-Campus Housing webpageis a good resource.

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