Area Offices

Having issues with your key? Visit your Area Office for assistance. For other questions or concerns, please contact the Housing Help Desk.

Event Promotion in the Residence Halls

Registered Student Organization leaders may bring flyers or other promotional materials that they would like displayed in public areas of the residence halls to the area offices for each hall for consideration and distribution. Flyers that adhere to HRL policy will then be distributed to resident assistants to be added to designated bulletin boards and grip strips located in each residence hall. Please keep in mind the following parameters:

  • Flyers advertising events must include a date, so they can be removed after the event has occurred.
  • Flyers advertising events must include the name of the RSO or RSOs who will be sponsoring the event as well as provide a phone number or email address that residents can contact for further information.
  • Flyers cannot advertise events where alcohol will be served.
  • Flyers may only be distributed by HRL staff. RSO members may not post or place flyers in residence halls.
  • Flyers may not be placed on or under residents’ doors; doing so may result in notification to the Office of Student Integrity for follow-up and investigation under the Student Code of Conduct.

Please note that based on Georgia Tech’s commitment to the strategic value of safeguarding freedom of expression and inquiry, RSOs are granted broad latitude in the creation of their flyers. Review and approval for posting will be made in a content- and viewpoint-neutral manner. As such, permission to post flyers should in no way be construed as endorsement or support for the event by HRL.

East Campus Area Office

Field Residence Hall
711 Techwood Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0580


Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Buildings Managed
Brown, Cloudman, Field, Glenn, Goldin House, Gray House, Hanson, Harris, Harrison, Hayes House, Hopkins, Howell, Matheson, Perry, Smith, Stein House, Towers

Shannon Ashford
Assistant Director, Residence Life

Nina Stroud
Area Office Manager

After Hours Assistance: 

  • Monday – Friday after 8:00 p.m.: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
West Campus Area Office

Commander Building
871 McMillan Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0550


Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Buildings Managed
Armstrong, Caldwell, Crecine, Center Street Apartments, Eighth Street Apartments, Fitten, Folk, Freeman, Fulmer, Hefner, Maulding, Montag, Nelson-Shell, Woodruff North, Woodruff South, Zbar

Chelsea Mason
Assistant Director, Residence Life

Adonis McCullum
Assistant Director, Residence Life

Rachel Benjamin
Area Office Manager

After Hours Assistance: 

  • Monday – Friday after 8:00 p.m.: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
North Campus Area Office

Graduate Living Center
301 10th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318-0475


Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Buildings Managed:
Graduate Living Center, Tenth and Home Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Adonis McCullum
Assistant Director, Residence Life

Shari Hardaway
Area Office Manager

Community Office

After Hours Assistance: 

  • Monday – Friday after 8:00 p.m.: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
  • Saturday before 10:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m.: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
  • Sunday: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
North Avenue Area Office

North Avenue North Residence Hall
120 North Avenue NW
Atlanta, GA 30332


Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Buildings Managed:
North Avenue Apartments North, East, South, West

Andrew Pasch
Assistant Director, Residence Life

Alexis Smith
Area Office Manager

After Hours Assistance: 

  • Monday – Friday after 8:00 p.m.: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Contact your RA on Duty. Their number is located on the card at your building entrance.