Know Before You Link Up With Roommates...
Selecting roommates can come with a lot to consider. This guide gives you a look ahead at each step of the process, noting important actions you should take, and tips for making the best choice for yourself when it comes to roommates.
A few important things to note based on frequently asked questions:
- Roommate Search comes before selecting your room.
- It is important that you accept any roommate invites before Self-Assign starts, so that the roommate with the best time ticket can select the preferred room assignment and "pull" their roommate(s) in at the same time.
- We don't have a pairing service, just the portal's questionnaire and profiles. You can search for roommates based on how well others' answers match yours, send messages to others, and accept roommate invites all within the portal.
- If you're searching for a roommate, only those with completed applications will appear as options - students on the waitlist will not.
- It is not mandatory to select a roommate, many students live successfully with a randomly assigned roommate.
- Select Roommate Term
- Roommate Screen Name and Profile Questions
- Different Ways to Search for Roommates
- Add Known Roommate Method
- Search by Profile Method
- Suggested Roommates Method
- Accept Roommate Invitations