Gender Inclusive Housing

Housing and Residence Life offers gender-inclusive housing to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all students, aligning with the Institute’s goal of putting students first. By providing gender-inclusive housing options, the Institute acknowledges and respects the diverse gender identities and expressions of its student body. This initiative ensures that all students, regardless of their gender identity, can live in a safe and comfortable environment where they feel valued and affirmed. Gender-inclusive housing fosters a sense of belonging and community, which is essential for students’ overall well-being and academic success. By prioritizing the needs and experiences of all students, the institute demonstrates its commitment to creating an inclusive campus climate that supports the personal and academic growth of every student.

Students participating in Gender Inclusive Housing have the option to search for eligible roommate(s) or choose to be paired with another student who has also chosen to participate in gender inclusive housing.

Roommate Selection

The roommate selection process mirrors what is provided for all students.

Get Started
Apply For Housing

If you haven’t applied for Housing, apply now.

Visit My Housing
Frequently Asked Questions
Terms and Conditions

This is a preview of the terms and conditions for students in Gender Inclusive Housing. Acceptance of these twelve items will be required in the housing application.

Term and Condition 1
I understand that once I opt in to Gender Inclusive Housing all future housing applications will automatically place me in Gender Inclusive Housing, unless I choose to opt out of Gender Inclusive Housing.

Term and Condition 2
In order to be eligible for Gender Inclusive Housing, I must adhere to the housing application and deposit deadlines.

Term and Condition 3
If I decide I no longer wish to participate or I cannot agree to all terms and conditions of GIH after selecting a room assignment, or I cannot agree to all terms and conditions, I will contact the Housing Help Desk for assistance to opt out of GIH. I understand that alternative housing options may be limited. 

Term and Condition 4
I understand: (1) Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH) is defined as a housing option in which two or more students share a multiple-occupancy traditional room, suite, or apartment in mutual agreement, regardless of the students’ sex, gender identity, and gender expression, and (2) the intent of this agreement is to give students the option to reside with another person of a different gender or sex in order to provide a welcoming living environment, and (3) Gender Inclusive Housing allows/encourages students in the process of discovering their gender identity, who do not wish to identify themselves by gender, and students who feel more comfortable with a roommate of a different gender, the option to find a more compatible roommate and living situation within this community.

Term and Condition 5
I understand Gender Inclusive Housing options will be available to students who wish to live in a Gender Inclusive environment; however, assignments will be based upon availability and ability to meet the student(s) request.

Term and Condition 6
Assignment to a preferred room, suite, apartment or building is contingent upon availability and is not guaranteed. If desired space is not available, assignment staff will strive to find another Gender Inclusive Housing space before they would assign me to a non- Gender Inclusive Housing space. I understand contracts are not automatically terminated if desired space of style is unavailable.

Term and Condition 7
I understand all assignment procedures, deadline, and associated charges as stated in the Housing Contract apply.

Term and Condition 8
If I am already under contract and choose to relocate to another area on campus that has a more expensive rental rate, I will be financially responsible for paying the difference.

Term and Condition 9
Housing and Residence Life has the right to consolidate spaces as needed. This may result in room changes for Gender Inclusive Housing participants.

Term and Condition 10
If I do not identify desired roommates(s), I understand I will be assigned roommates who also select to live in Gender Inclusive Housing with the same building style preferences.

NOTE: First-year residents are only eligible to reside in selected first-year halls. First-year students and upper-class students may not be assigned together in traditional or apartment style housing, regardless of shared interest in Gender Inclusive Housing.

Term and Condition 11
I understand that if I exhibit behavior that is contradictory to the spirit and intent of this agreement, I may be relocated to a different housing assignment on campus.

Term and Condition 12
It is the student’s choice to communicate with parents or family members about the decision to live in a Gender Inclusive Housing option. Housing and Residence Life encourages this conversation between parents or family members and students about the housing choice so they can be in support of the student’s decision. The choice to live in Gender Inclusive Housing is included in the student’s academic record and subject to FERPA rules and regulations.