The Georgia Tech Post Office

What is my address?

A complete mailing address is required on all MAIL (letters, packages, and overnight deliveries) sent to residents. Please use the correct address format shown below. 

Your mailing address is as indicated on the Post Office website. Please DO NOT use the zip code 30318 or 30313 that is found using Google. Using these zip codes will cause your mail to be returned to the sender. 
To ensure you receive your anticipated items, please use the unique Georgia Tech zip code of 30332 and format your address as follows: 
Your Name 
3#####  Georgia Tech Station 
351 Ferst Dr NW 
Atlanta, GA 30332 

You are responsible for sharing your address with friends and family.

What goes in the ##### space?

For on campus residents and those who rent a mailbox, address information is available on BuzzPort. From the "Registration and Student Services" section, click: 

  • Registration - OSCAR 

  • Student

  • GT Post Office 

  • The last five digits are your mail folder number that replaces the ##### 

Mailbox numbers are assigned in July to any on campus resident who has registered for classes. After July, mailbox number information will appear within 48 hours of registering for classes.

Student at package pick up counter
Where to Pick-Up Mail

Students will receive an email notifying them that mail (a package/letter) is ready for pick up. The email will direct them to pick up their mail at the Post Office located on the 1st floor of the John Lewis Student Center or at the Mail Processing Center located at 711 Marietta St.   

  • Students should remember to bring their BuzzCard or any state-issued photo ID when picking up their mail.  

  • Be sure to check your mail regularly! Items left longer than 30 days may be returned as unclaimed. Perishable items must be picked up within 48 hours of the email notification.  After 48 hours the items will be discarded.  


We understand that receiving packages is an essential part of student life, whether it's textbooks, care packages from home, or other necessities. To ensure a smooth and efficient package delivery experience, we want to remind you of the package delivery process.  

When making online purchases or having items shipped to campus, please use your address: 

Your Name 
3#####  Georgia Tech Station 
351 Ferst Dr NW 
Atlanta, GA 30332 

If you have any questions or concerns about this package delivery update, please don't hesitate to contact Georgia Tech Post Office at or call (404) 894-4560.