AY2025-2026 Housing Application and Room Selection Process FAQs

Welcome to our Housing Application and Room Selection Process FAQs page! Here, you’ll find answers to all your questions about the updated housing application and room selection process for Academic Year 2025-2026. We will continuously update this page and add new FAQs based on the feedback and questions we receive from our housing help desk team. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the lottery work?

Once the application deadline has passed, StarRez (the application that hosts My Housing) guarantees the randomization of selection by utilizing best practices for the random selection of entries in their Lottery Tool. They employ industry standard algorithms to ensure that the selection is completely random and non-repeatable. All applicants who apply by the posted deadline will be entered into the Lottery Tool and it will randomize the applicants and provide them with a lottery number. HRL will then determine the cutoff for the waitlist based on the number of available beds per classification.

What is the timeline of the lottery process based on application?

Current students who apply for housing by November 18 at 8:00 a.m. will be entered into the lottery* and receive a notification that they have either secured housing for the upcoming academic year or were placed on the waitlist on November 22.

*Rising second-year students and Pell recipients will not be entered into the lottery. They will secure housing if they apply by November 18 at 8:00 a.m.

Will the lottery be available for students to watch?

No, the Lottery Tool in My Housing is not viewable to residents as there is not anything to physically watch. The Lottery Tool randomizes the applicants and assigns a random number of utilising best practices for the random selection of entries in the Lottery Tool. Industry standard algorithms are employed to ensure that the selection is completely random and non-repeatable.

How does the waitlist work?

Students who apply for housing by the posted deadline and do not secure housing through the lottery will receive a waitlist number in My Housing based on their assigned lottery number.

Students who do not apply by the posted deadline will be issued a waitlist number in the order their application is received at the end of the waitlist.

Why is this system being applied to current students and new students?

We are implementing these process changes beginning in the next contract year to increase equity and access for a broader range of students. Our goal is to ensure that more students can benefit from the opportunities and resources available on campus. It is important to note that no one is being removed from housing. The process changes we are introducing will have no impact on current housing contracts. While the application process for the next academic year will be different, housing contracts have always been issued for no more than a year at a time, so this does not represent a departure from our existing practices. At its heart, this shift is about creating greater equity. We are transitioning from a first-come, first-served model to one that incorporates a priority system and a lottery. This change allows us to better align with Georgia Tech’s strategic values by opening the doors wider for all students and ensuring that as many students as possible, regardless of timing, has an opportunity to secure housing in their critical first year.

When will this process go into effect? Am I losing my housing for Spring 2025?

This lottery application process is to secure housing for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Academic Year contract. These changes will not impact the current Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Academic Year contract. Residents will still be able to apply for Summer 2025 housing, even if they are not selected from the lottery for Academic Year 2025-2026.

I am a current resident, if I do not secure housing from the lottery for Fall 2025 – Spring 2026, can I still apply to live on campus for Summer 2025?

Residents will still be able to apply for Summer 2025 housing, even if they are not selected from the lottery for Fall 2025 – Spring 2026.

Is there a lottery application process for summer housing?

The lottery application process is only to secure housing for an academic year contract (fall and spring semesters). Summer and Spring only housing demand is not higher than the inventory available for these terms.

How can I trust that the lottery process is equitable?

Once the application deadline has passed, StarRez (the application that hosts My Housing) guarantees the randomization of selection by utilizing best practices for the random selection of entries in their Lottery Tool. They employ industry standard algorithms to ensure that the selection is completely random and non-repeatable. All applicants who apply by the posted deadline will be entered into the Lottery Tool and it will randomize the applicants and provide them with a lottery number. HRL will then determine the cutoff for the waitlist based on the number of available beds per classification.

How was the housing process change communicated?

Housing and Residence Life hosted the Progress and Vision Town Hall on September 6. Stakeholders, campus partners and students were invited to attend. We emailed our current housing community on Monday, September 9, with additional details and links to pre-planned information sessions to address these process changes and address questions or concerns.

How was this change discussed and communicated to current residents prior to the decision being made?

Housing and Residence Life leadership consulted with the Student Government Association, Graduate Student Government Association, Residence Hall Association, Student Engagement and Well-Being Undergraduate and Graduate Advisory Boards, Parent, School, and College Advisory Boards, campus partners (such as Enrollment Management, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education, Campus Services, and Student Life), in addition to numerous strategic consulting committees prior to implementing this process change. Dr. Hong also presented a variety of scenarios to her peers and President Cabrera for feedback.

Are non-residents who are current students able to participate in the lottery and how are they evaluated?

Yes, non-residents will be able to participate in the lottery, as long as they apply by the posted deadline. They will be placed in the Lottery Tool and randomized with our current residents.

How does this system consider students with disabilities?

Residents with accommodations requests must register with the the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Once registered, ODS recommends accommodations required if a student secures housing. Please note that on-campus housing is not considered an accommodation.

Who receives priority in the lottery process?

Please review this Knowledge Article which outlines our current (AY2024-2025) prioritization for housing and the upcoming changes for AY2025-2026 and AY2026-2027.

Will there be a priority consideration request form?

Yes, students will continue to have the opportunity to complete the priority consideration form. This form can be found via the Resources tab at My Housing after the lottery is complete.

Will I be required to pay the $80 fee to complete my Housing application if I am a new resident?

Yes, all new residents (have not previously applied for GT housing) are required to pay the $80 application fee to complete their My Housing application.

Are there going to be separate quotas for current residents, incoming students and other classifications?

In alignment with the Institute’s Strategic Goals, Housing and Residence Life will prioritize incoming first year students, rising second years, Pell-recipient upper-level undergraduate students, new transfers (up to 400 beds) and new graduate students (up to 320 beds) for Academic Year 2025-2026. For more information on the housing allocation strategy, please review this knowledge article.

How does Housing and Residence Life plan to address incoming residents “saving” spots and later cancelling?

Incoming residents (specifically new Georgia Tech admits) must pay their admissions deposit and commit to Georgia Tech prior to applying for housing. We see very few incoming residents commit to Georgia Tech and apply for housing to then later cancel their housing contract.

How will the term limits work for each classification or type of resident?

Single Graduate Residents: Beginning Fall 2025 – Spring 2026, Single Graduate Residents will be limited to one academic year contract term (Fall semester and Spring semester) with the option of applying for the consecutive summer term.

Family Residents (Undergraduate or Graduate): Beginning Fall 2025 – Spring 2026, Family Residents will be limited to two consecutive academic year contract terms (fall semester and spring semester) with the option of applying for the two consecutive summer terms corresponding with the academic year contract. Family residents must still apply for their second academic year contract by the posted deadline in order to secure housing for their second academic year contract term. All residents must apply for their summer term by the posted deadline that corresponds with their classification.

How does Georgia Tech Housing and Residence Life plan to address the additional stress and financial difficulties placed on residents due to limited on-campus housing?

These processes provide students with their housing status earlier so that they can make informed decisions and potentially plan for signing an off-campus lease when there are additional incentives from rental properties in the fall. While HRL is unable to financially support residents with finding off-campus housing, we will provide multiple off-campus housing fairs (both in-person and virtually) and provide workshops and resources for first-time renters in the metro-Atlanta area.

How does Georgia Tech Housing and Residence Life plan to support graduates and families in the affordability of off-campus housing?

While HRL is unable to financially support residents with finding off-campus housing, we will provide multiple off-campus housing fairs (both in-person and virtually) and provide workshops and resources for first-time renters in the metro-Atlanta area.

How many spaces are reserved for graduate students?

Our current inventory for graduate and family residents is below:

Single Graduate Students: 450 bedspaces

Family Residents: 106 apartments

I moved with the assurance of on-campus housing for the duration of my graduate program?

On-campus housing is not required for any student and is not guaranteed.

Why are their undergraduate students living in the Tenth and Home Apartments?

Only undergraduate residents with families (living with their spouse or domestic partner and/or children) are eligible to live in Tenth and Home. All other Tenth and Home residents are graduate students.

The Student Government Association and Graduate Student Government Association made statements regarding their opposition to this process, how does Housing and Residence Life plan to address these statements?

Housing and Residence Life has reviewed the statement issued by the Graduate Student Government Association. GSGA has stated that they do not agree with the term limits. However, they are in agreement with the priority strategy that prioritizes new graduate students as well as the lottery application process.

At its heart, this shift is about creating greater equity. We are transitioning from a first-come, first-served model to one that incorporates a priority system and a lottery. This change allows us to better align with Georgia Tech’s strategic values by opening the doors wider for all students and ensuring that as many students as possible, regardless of timing, have an opportunity to secure housing in their critical first year.

While some students will experience more limited housing terms than before, these processes ensure that more students will have a stable foundation as they begin their academic journey, and in fact, ensure that current Family residents can live on-campus for an additional two years (after this year) if they choose. We are committed to supporting all students holistically, providing the tools, resources, and assistance needed to successfully transition off-campus and beyond.

HRL is committed to continued collaboration with GSGA.

How will my credits be counted to determine when I get to select my room?

Once a student secures housing through the lottery, they are eligible for room selection. Room selection time-tickets are based on the number of Georgia Tech credit hours accrued/completed prior to room selection opening. For example, if a student is registered and completes 12 GT credit hours during Fall 2024, they will have 12 GT credit hours when they select their room in Spring 2025 (any courses registered for the spring semester do not count).

I am a rising second year, do I need to participate in the lottery if I am receiving priority?

All rising second year students will receive priority for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 housing application cycle IF they apply for housing by the posted deadline. If a rising second year does not apply for housing by the posted deadline, they will be placed on the waitlist. Beginning Fall 2026 – Spring 2027, rising second years will no longer receive priority and will participate in the lottery.

I am a graduate student; am I being weighed against undergraduate students for an on-campus bed space?

No. Graduate students who complete the housing application will only be placed in the lottery with other graduate students. If they secure housing through the lottery, they will only be eligible to participate in room selection for Tenth and Home Apartments.

What housing is available for graduate students versus undergraduate students?

Tenth and Home apartments are graduate and/or family-only housing.

Will I have the option to stay-same?

Potentially, with some exceptions. Once a student has secured housing through the housing lottery, they are eligible for room selection, also referred to as self-assign. If their current bedspace is still available during the room selection process, a resident can select their same bedspace. If all residents within an apartment secure housing and would like to stay-same, they all must select this option. If a resident is currently in a traditional residence hall, they will not have the option to stay same regardless of if the bedspace remains available.

Will we still be able to pull people into our roommate groups?

Yes, with some exceptions. Once students have completed the housing application, if all members of the proposed roommate group secure housing through the lottery, then the individual with the earliest room selection time-ticket will select the room for the group.

Please note, all students must accept the other as their roommate in My Housing.

How will I receive my time ticket?

Current residents will receive their time-tickets via their GT email prior to the application opening. Non-residents can access My Housing to view their time-ticket, which will be assigned based on the first letter of their legal first name.

Is the Spring or Summer application also a lottery process?

If a student is currently living off campus, do they qualify as a returning student and how do they know when they can apply?

Students not currently living on campus will not receive a time-ticket, but will be able to access the application based on the first letter of their legal first name starting October 7.

If I secured housing but my intended roommate is on the waitlist, can they be my selected roommate?

No. If a student is on the waitlist, the roommate who secured housing will not be able to pull the other student off the waitlist.

How will waitlist numbers be determined?

Students who do not secure housing through the lottery will be placed on the waitlist in accordance with their lottery number. Students will only see a number at My Housing, if they did not secure housing and have a corresponding waitlist number.

Example: We have 2,000 beds available. Students 1-2,000 secured housing through the lottery and now student 2,001 becomes number 1 on the waitlist. Please note these numbers are hypothetical and should not be used as a determinant for the number of available beds.

I am interested in participating in a Living Learning Community, am I only eligible if I secure housing?

Yes. Students who want to participate in a Living Learning Community (LLC) must secure housing. For more information about LLC’s visit our website or email learningcommunities@gatech.edu.

Is 2YE an option for AY2025-2026?

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 is the last year 2YE will be offered. Students applying for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 academic year term can explore our residence halls and should select Undergraduate, from the “Community” drop down menu.

What is the timeline for canceling my housing contract?

Please review the Canceling Your Contact webpage for specific cancelation deadlines.

What if I only need housing for the Fall 2025 semester or Spring 2026?

Students who intend to live on campus for Fall 2025 only must still complete the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Academic Year housing application. Once they have secured housing, they can cancel their Spring 2026 booking by the posted deadline.

Students who intend to live on campus for Spring 2025 only should apply for housing when the application opens in mid-October.