Applying for Family Housing

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Important Upcoming Housing Dates

Stay informed about important dates and deadlines for Housing at Georgia Tech.

How to Apply for Family Housing

The housing application process and timeline for students who are applying to housing with a spouse/domestic partner and/or child(ren) are different than they are for other residents. Beginning Fall 2025 – Spring 2026, students living in family housing will be limited to two academic year contract terms and two summer terms.

Please remember that housing is not required and not guaranteed for any student.


My Housing

Log in to My Housing and select the Family tab on the gold navigation bar then choose the correct Application term.

My Housing

Gather Required Documents

Family residents must submit required documentation to complete their housing application.

Required Documents

Room Selection

Room selection is not first-come, first-served. To be eligible for a room assignment, you must apply by May 30.

Room Selection

My Housing

Log in to My Housing and select the Family tab on the gold navigation bar then choose the correct Application term.

My Housing

Gather Required Documents

Family residents must submit required documentation to complete their housing application.

Required Documents

Room Selection

Room selection is not first-come, first-served. To be eligible for a room assignment, you must apply by May 30.

Room Selection
Family Housing
Housing Application Process and Space Availability
Important Dates
  • Returning students applying for family housing must apply by November 18, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. to be eligible for housing and receive a randomized lottery number. If selected from the lottery, students will receive a room selection (self-assign) number based on the number of credit hours accrued at Georgia Tech as a matriculated college student.
  • New students applying for family housing must apply by May 30, 2025, to be eligible for housing and receive a randomized lottery number. If selected from the lottery, students will receive a room selection (self-assign) time ticket in accordance with their lottery number.
  • Late applicants will be placed on a waitlist in the order they apply.
Important Info
  • Family housing includes one- and two-bedroom unfurnished apartments at Tenth and Home.
  • Only students living with a spouse or domestic partner and/or child(ren) may apply for Family Housing.
  • Students will assign themselves to any available one or two bedroom unfurnished apartment in spring.
  • Students who do not self-assign, will be assigned by the HRL Assignments staff.
  • All Family housing is unfurnished.
  • All Family housing rent is paid monthly. The contract term length is the same for all students, including Family Housing students, and based on the academic calendar.
  • Waitlisted students can cancel their housing penalty free.
Family FAQs

To help you navigate the process of applying for family housing, it’s useful to review a few of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.

Is housing guaranteed for newly admitted Graduate students?

Georgia Tech Housing is not guaranteed and not required for any student. Housing is limited and will be awarded via the housing lottery process. If selected from the lottery, students will receive a randomized lottery number to participate in the room selection (self-assign) process. If not selected from the lottery, students will be assigned to the waitlist in accordance with their lottery number. If they apply after the priority deadline, they will be assigned to the waitlist in order of application. Students should research and consider off-campus housing options as well.

What type of housing is available for students with families and graduate students?

Family housing options include one- and two-bedroom unfurnished apartments at Tenth and Home. This is available to those living full-time with a spouse or partner, and/or child(ren).

Single, graduate student housing options include one- and two-bedroom furnished apartments at Tenth and Home. Two-bedroom options are for two roommates.

Can a single grad student apply for FAMILY housing?

No. Single students are not eligible for FAMILY (unfurnished) housing and may not apply for FAMILY housing.

I am a newly admitted graduate student. Why can't I access the housing application?

Once a student is admitted by their department, the Office of Graduate Education will complete an application verification and evaluation process which can take between six to eight weeks from the date that your required documents are received. In some cases, it can take up to 12 weeks during peak admission times. Students can apply for housing once their admission is verified and finalized by Graduate Education.

Domestic Applicant – After You Apply

International Applicant – After You Apply

Which housing application should I complete?

Graduate students who will not live with a spouse/domestic partner and/or children should complete the standard Housing APPLICATION – do not complete the FAMILY application.

Any undergraduate or graduate student who plans to live with their spouse/domestic partner and/or children should complete the FAMILY application.

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